Type | Location | Extends | Description |
axis_obj | leapBlock | None | Defines a 1D axis xm(lo) xm(hi) | | |-----|-----|------|------| | <-dxm-> | x(lo) x(hi+1) |
bc_obj | leapBC | None | Specified a boundary condition for a variable The BC type can be among the predefined types (BC_WALL, BC_INFLOW, etc). Val(:,:,:) stores the imposed values for BC_DIRICHLET, or the gradient in the normal for direction for BC_NEUMANN. Be mindful of staggering: E.g. if the variable is cell-centered (e.g. P) and the BC is on BC_LEFT in the 1-DIR, then val(i,j,k) is on x(i),ym(j),zm(k). For a face-centered variable like V (on xm(i),y(j), zm(k)) if the BC is on BC_LEFT in the 1-DIR, then val(i,j,k) is on x(i),y(j),zm(k). |
bc_set | leapBC | None | Collection of regions |
block_obj | leapBlock | None | A block object |
case_obj | leapCases | None | An abstract simulation case |
cdifs_case_obj | cdifs_cases | case_obj | Simulation case manager for the GRANS solvere |
cdifs_obj | cdifs | solver_obj | Constant Density Incompressible Flow Solver Simulation case |
cli_obj | leapCli | None | Procedures to parse the command line switches |
column_obj | leapMonitor | None | Column object |
communicators | leapParallel | None | MPI communicators |
entry_obj | leapParser | None | Object representing an entry in the input file |
eulerian_obj_base | leapEulerian | None | Base structure for eulerian data |
eulerian_obj_i | leapEulerian | eulerian_obj_base | Eulerian data of type integer |
eulerian_obj_r | leapEulerian | eulerian_obj_base | Eulerian data of type real |
eulerian_ptr | leapEulerian | None | Polymorphic pointer to either real or complex Eulerian data |
eulerian_set | leapEulerian | None | A collection of eulerian objects |
extent_obj | leapBC | None | Extents of a region |
grans_case_obj | grans_cases | case_obj | Simulation case manager for the GRANS solvere |
grans_obj | grans | solver_obj | Granular flow solver with resolved particles Simulation case |
h5hut_obj | leapIO_h5hut | None | A utility to read/write files in HDF5 using H5hut |
hashtbl_obj | leapUtils | None | Hash table |
hdf5_obj | leapIO_hdf5 | None | A utility to read/write files in HDF5 |
hypre_obj | leapHypre | None | A utility to call/use HYPRE scallable solvers |
lagrangian_obj | leapLagrangian | None | Base lagrangian object |
lagrangian_set | leapLagrangian | None | Base structure for a collection of Lagrangian objects |
marker_obj | immersed_boundaries_markers | lagrangian_obj | An extended Lagrangian object that represents a marker placed at the centroid of a triangular element on the surface of an immersed body |
marker_set | immersed_boundaries_markers | lagrangian_set | A collection of IB markers |
monitor_obj | leapMonitor | None | Monitor object |
monitor_set | leapMonitor | None | |
nga_part_obj | nga_smod | None | Particle type as definied in NGA |
ngadata_obj | leapIO_mpi | None | A utility to read NGA data files |
ngapart_obj | nga_smod | None | |
op_obj | leapDiffOp | None | Utitlity with differential operators |
parallel_obj | leapParallel | None | Utility to handle MPI communications |
parser_obj | leapParser | None | Type represents a parser that can be used to get information from an input file |
particle_BH_obj | particles_point | particle_obj | A particle type that supports the computation of Basset History force |
particle_obj | particles_point | lagrangian_obj | An extended Lagrangian object that represents a Lagrangian solid particle or liquid droplet |
particle_set | particles_point | lagrangian_set | Array of particles |
patch | leapParallel | None | Contains MPI ranks of current process and neighboring ones |
region_obj | leapBC | None | Defines regions where boundary conditions are applied. Regions must be 2D planes in 3D simulations, defined by their extent xlo, xhi, and the normal to the plane (which gives side and dir) E.g.: a region with normal '+x1' (dir=1,side=BC_LEFT) looks like this: |
ResPart_obj | particles_resolved | lagrangian_obj | An extended Lagrangian object that represents particle represented as an Immersed Boundary |
ResPart_set | particles_resolved | lagrangian_set | An extended Lagrgian set representing resolved particles |
silo_obj | leapIO_silo | None | |
sllist_obj | leapUtils | None | Singly-linked list |
solid_obj | immersed_boundaries_solids | marker_set | An object that represents a solid |
solid_set | immersed_boundaries_solids | None | Collection of solid_obj |
solver_obj | leapSolver | None | Base solver object |
timer_obj | leapTimer | None | Time management utility |