ResPart_set Derived Type

type, public, extends(lagrangian_set) :: ResPart_set

An extended Lagrgian set representing resolved particles


type~~respart_set~~InheritsGraph type~respart_set ResPart_set type~lagrangian_set lagrangian_set type~respart_set->type~lagrangian_set type~marker_set marker_set type~respart_set->type~marker_set ib type~monitor_set monitor_set type~respart_set->type~monitor_set monitors type~op_obj op_obj type~respart_set->type~op_obj op type~parser_obj parser_obj type~respart_set->type~parser_obj parser type~timer_obj timer_obj type~respart_set->type~timer_obj timer MPI_Datatype MPI_Datatype type~lagrangian_set->MPI_Datatype MPI_TYPE type~block_obj block_obj type~lagrangian_set->type~block_obj cblock, block type~lagrangian_obj lagrangian_obj type~lagrangian_set->type~lagrangian_obj p, sample type~parallel_obj parallel_obj type~lagrangian_set->type~parallel_obj parallel type~sllist_obj sllist_obj type~lagrangian_set->type~sllist_obj neighbors type~marker_set->type~lagrangian_set type~marker_set->type~monitor_set monitors type~marker_set->type~op_obj op type~marker_set->type~parser_obj parser type~marker_set->type~timer_obj timer type~hashtbl_obj hashtbl_obj type~monitor_set->type~hashtbl_obj tbl type~monitor_obj monitor_obj type~monitor_set->type~monitor_obj m type~monitor_set->type~parallel_obj parallel type~op_obj->type~block_obj block type~eulerian_obj_i eulerian_obj_i type~op_obj->type~eulerian_obj_i mask type~op_obj->type~parallel_obj parallel type~entry_obj entry_obj type~parser_obj->type~entry_obj entries type~timer_obj->type~parser_obj parser type~block_obj->MPI_Datatype gc_slab_r, gc_slab_i type~block_obj->type~parallel_obj parallel type~axis_obj axis_obj type~block_obj->type~axis_obj axis, axis_partition type~eulerian_obj_base eulerian_obj_base type~eulerian_obj_i->type~eulerian_obj_base type~hashtbl_obj->type~sllist_obj vec type~column_obj column_obj type~monitor_obj->type~column_obj col type~parallel_obj->MPI_Datatype REAL_SP, REAL_DP, REAL_WP, COMPLEX_SP, COMPLEX_DP, COMPLEX_WP, INTEGER, INT8, LOGICAL MPI_Info MPI_Info type~parallel_obj->MPI_Info mpi_info type~communicators communicators type~parallel_obj->type~communicators comm type~patch patch type~parallel_obj->type~patch rank type~sllist_obj->type~sllist_obj child MPI_Comm MPI_Comm type~communicators->MPI_Comm w, g type~eulerian_obj_base->type~block_obj block type~eulerian_obj_base->type~parallel_obj parallel

Inherited by

type~~respart_set~~InheritedByGraph type~respart_set ResPart_set type~cdifs_obj cdifs_obj type~cdifs_obj->type~respart_set RP type~grans_obj grans_obj type~grans_obj->type~respart_set RP


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: MPI_SIZE = 44

MPI size

type(MPI_Datatype), public :: MPI_TYPE

MPI variable type

type(block_obj), public, pointer :: block => null()

Associated block structure

type(block_obj), public :: cblock

Collision block

integer, public :: count = 0

Total count across all MPI ranks

integer, public :: count_ = 0

Local count for this rank

integer, public, allocatable :: count_proc(:)

of lagrangian objects per proc

procedure(kernel_1D), public, nopass, pointer :: g1ex => int_g1_triangle

1D kernel used in extrapolations

procedure(kernel_1D), public, nopass, pointer :: g1in => g1_triangle

1D kernel used in interpolations

real(kind=wp), public :: gravity(3) = 0.0_wp


type(marker_set), public :: ib

Surface markers

real(kind=wp), public :: l_filter

Half filter width

integer, public, allocatable :: lookup(:)

Lookup array

type(monitor_set), public, pointer :: monitors => null()

Monitors to print to stdout and files

character(len=:), public, allocatable :: name

Name of the Lagrangian set

type(sllist_obj), public, allocatable :: neighbors(:,:,:)

Singly linked list of neighbors

integer, public, allocatable :: objincell(:,:,:)

Number of objects in this list

type(op_obj), public, pointer :: op => null()

operators object

logical, public :: overwrite = .true.

Switch to overwrite IO files

class(lagrangian_obj), public, allocatable :: p(:)

Array of Lagrangian_obj or any extended type

type(parallel_obj), public, pointer :: parallel => null()

Associated parallel structure

type(parser_obj), public, pointer :: parser => null()

Parser for input file

integer, public, allocatable :: ranks(:)

MPI ranks of the lagrangian objects

character(len=str64), public :: read_file

file to read

real(kind=wp), public :: rhof = 1.0_wp

Fluid density

class(lagrangian_obj), public, allocatable :: sample

Sample used in allocation of polymorphic data

integer, public :: stib = 3

Stencil size for filtering

type(timer_obj), public, pointer :: timer => null()

Timer utility

character(len=str64), public :: write_file

file to write

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: AdvanceCenters => ResPart_set_AdvanceCenters

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_AdvanceCenters(this, dt)

    Advance centers to next timestep


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Collection of Resolved Particles

    real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: dt


procedure, public :: AdvanceMarkers => ResPart_set_AdvanceMarkers

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_AdvanceMarkers(this, dt)

    Advance markers to next timestep


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Collection of Resolved Particles

    real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: dt


procedure, public :: ApplyPeriodicity => lagrangian_set_ApplyPeriodicity

procedure, public :: Communicate => lagrangian_set_Communicate

  • private subroutine lagrangian_set_Communicate(this, GetOwnerRankOpt)

    Communicate lagrangian objects across MPI_rank


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of Lagrangian objects

    procedure(locator), optional :: GetOwnerRankOpt

    MPI Rank locator for communications

procedure, public :: CreateMPIType => lagrangian_set_CreateMPIType

procedure, public :: CreateMonitor => ResPart_set_CreateMonitor

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_CreateMonitor(this)

    Create monitor file for Resolved Particles


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Collection of Resolved Particles

procedure, public :: Filter => ResPart_set_Filter

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_Filter(this, var, field)

    Filter a quantity to the Eulerian grid


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved particles

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: var

    Variable to compute

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(inout) :: field

    Filtered quantity

generic, public :: Finalize => lagrangian_set_Final

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_Final(this)

    Finalize the ResPart_set type. This subourtine replaces the inheritted lagrangian_final.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved partilces

procedure, public :: FreeNeighborList => lagrangian_set_FreeNeighborList

procedure, public :: GetHydroForces => ResPart_set_GetHydroForces

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_GetHydroForces(this, P, U, V, W, ibVF, visc)

    Compute hydrodynamic force on particle


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Collection of Resolved Particles

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: P

    Fluid pressure field

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: U

    Fluid velocity field in 1-dir

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: V

    Fluid velocity field in 2-dir

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: W

    Fluid velocity field in 3-dir

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: ibVF

    Solid volume fraction

    real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: visc

    Fluid viscosity

procedure, public :: GetIBForcing => ResPart_set_GetIBForcing

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_GetIBForcing(this, Um, Vm, Wm, rhof, SA, ibF, dt)

    Compute the IB forcing


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Collection of Resolved Particles

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: Um

    Velocity in 1-dir

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: Vm

    Velocity in 2-dir

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: Wm

    Velocity in 3-dir

    real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: rhof

    Fluid density

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: SA

    Surface area

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(inout) :: ibF(3)

    IB forcing

    real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: dt


procedure, public :: GetOwnerRankByBlock => lagrangian_set_GetOwnerRankByBlock

  • private function lagrangian_set_GetOwnerRankByBlock(this, lagobj) result(rank)

    Returns the MPI rank that should own this lagrangian object based on which block it belongs to


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    A set of Lagrangian objects

    class(lagrangian_obj), intent(in) :: lagobj

    Lagrangian obj to locate

    Return Value integer

    rank that should own lagobj

procedure, public :: GetReadFileName => lagrangian_set_GetReadFileName

  • private function lagrangian_set_GetReadFileName(this) result(name)

    Return the base name of file to write


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    A collection of Eulerian objects

    Return Value character(len=str64)

    Name of file

procedure, public :: GetSurfaceStresses => ResPart_set_GetSurfaceStresses

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_GetSurfaceStresses(this, P, U, V, W, ibVF, visc)

    Compute hydrodynamic stresses on markers


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Collection of Resolved Particles

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: P

    Fluid pressure field

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: U

    Fluid velocity field in 1-dir

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: V

    Fluid velocity field in 2-dir

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: W

    Fluid velocity field in 3-dir

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(in) :: ibVF

    Solid volume fraction

    real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: visc

    Fluid viscosity

procedure, public :: GetWriteFileName => lagrangian_set_GetWriteFileName

  • private function lagrangian_set_GetWriteFileName(this) result(name)

    Return the base name of file to write


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    A collection of Eulerian objects

    Return Value character(len=str64)

    Name of file

procedure, public :: Info => lagrangian_set_Info

  • private subroutine lagrangian_set_Info(this)

    Prints diagnostics information about the derived type


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Lagrangian array to dump

generic, public :: Initialize => lagrangian_set_Init

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_Init(this, name, block, parallel)

    Initialize the ResPart_set type. This subourtine replaces the inheritted lagrangian_init.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved partilces

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name

    Name of instance

    type(block_obj), intent(in), target :: block

    A block object

    type(parallel_obj), intent(in), target :: parallel

    parallel structure from main program

procedure, public :: Localize => lagrangian_set_Localize

  • private subroutine lagrangian_set_Localize(this)

    Localize a Lagrangian object on the grid Returns the location of the closest collocated cell (staggering=0


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Lagrangian array to dump

procedure, public :: Prepare => ResPart_set_Prepare

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_Prepare(this, timer, parser, operators, monitors)

    Prepare ResPart_set for use with solvers


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Collection of Resolved Particles

    type(timer_obj), intent(in), target :: timer

    Timer utility

    type(parser_obj), intent(in), target :: parser

    Parser for input file

    type(op_obj), intent(in), target :: operators

    Operators object

    type(monitor_set), intent(in), target :: monitors

    Monitors to print to stdout and files

procedure, public :: Read => ResPart_set_Read

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_Read(this, iter, time)

    Read ResPart data from file


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved particles

    integer, intent(out) :: iter

    Iteration at write

    real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: time

    Time at write

procedure, public :: Recycle => lagrangian_set_Recycle

  • private subroutine lagrangian_set_Recycle(this)

    Sorting routine: stacks active lagrangian objects at the beginning of the array then resizes


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Lagrangian array to dump

procedure, public :: Regroup => ResPart_set_Regroup

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_Regroup(this)

    Regroup markers with their respective centroids on the same MPI block


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved particles

procedure, public :: Resize => lagrangian_set_Resize

  • private subroutine lagrangian_set_Resize(this, n)

    Changes the size of an array of Lagrangian objects


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Lagrangian array to dump

    integer, intent(in) :: n

    New size

procedure, public :: SetFilterKernel => lagrangian_set_SetFilterKernel

  • private subroutine lagrangian_set_SetFilterKernel(this, kernel_interp, kernel_extrap)

    Reset the filter kerrnel Default is Triangle for interpolation and extrapolation


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of Lagrangian objects

    integer, intent(in) :: kernel_interp

    Filter kernel for interpolations

    integer, intent(in) :: kernel_extrap

    Filter kernel for extrapolations

procedure, public :: SetFilterSize => ResPart_set_SetFilterSize

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_SetFilterSize(this, l_filter)

    Filter a quantity to the Eulerian grid


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved particles

    real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: l_filter

    Filter size

procedure, public :: SetMPIDataTypeParams => ResPart_set_SetMPIDataTypeParams

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_SetMPIDataTypeParams(this, types, lengths, displacement)

    Set up parameters used when creating the MPI derived type


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved particles

    type(MPI_Datatype), intent(out), allocatable :: types(:)

    Array of types

    integer, intent(out), allocatable :: lengths(:)

    Array of lengths

    integer(kind=MPI_ADDRESS_KIND), intent(out), allocatable :: displacement(:)

    Array of displacements

procedure, public :: SetObjectType => ResPart_set_SetObjectType

procedure, public :: SetOverwrite => lagrangian_set_SetOverwrite

  • private subroutine lagrangian_set_SetOverwrite(this, overwrite)

    Set file overwritting


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    A collection of Eulerian objects

    logical, intent(in) :: overwrite

    Name of file

procedure, public :: SetReadFileName => ResPart_set_SetReadFileName

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_SetReadFileName(this, name)

    Set the base name of file to write


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved particles

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name

    Name of file

procedure, public :: SetWriteFileName => ResPart_set_SetWriteFileName

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_SetWriteFileName(this, name)

    Set the base name of file to write


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved particles

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name

    Name of file

procedure, public :: SetupCollisionBlock => lagrangian_set_SetupCollisionBlock

  • private subroutine lagrangian_set_SetupCollisionBlock(this, ds, ngc)

    Initializes cblock to handle collisions. This is extra block is expected to be coarser than the simulation block. It is used for cheap neighbor searches.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    A set of Lagrangian objects

    real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: ds

    Target grid spacing

    integer, intent(in) :: ngc

    Number of ghost cells for collision block

procedure, public :: StoreOld => ResPart_set_StoreOld

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_StoreOld(this)

    Store values from previous timestep


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Collection of Resolved Particles

procedure, public :: UpdateCount => lagrangian_set_UpdateCount

  • private subroutine lagrangian_set_UpdateCount(this)

    Updates the total count of Lagrangian objects


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Lagrangian array to dump

procedure, public :: UpdateGhostObjects => lagrangian_set_UpdateGhostObjects

  • private subroutine lagrangian_set_UpdateGhostObjects(this, block)

    Updates ghost objects Copies objects that lie near or cross the block's boundaries


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(lagrangian_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of Lagrangian objects

    class(block_obj), intent(in), optional :: block

    Optional alternative block

procedure, public :: UpdateLookup => ResPart_set_UpdateLookup

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_UpdateLookup(this)

    Update lookup array -- The lookup array returns the local (MPI rank) index of a centroid when given the global ID of that centroid


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved particles

procedure, public :: UpdateMonitor => ResPart_set_UpdateMonitor

procedure, public :: UpdateNeighborList => lagrangian_set_UpdateNeighborList

procedure, public :: UpdateNormals => ResPart_set_UpdateNormals

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_UpdateNormals(this, ibN)

    Updates the Normals field


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Collection of Resolved Particles

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(inout) :: ibN(3)

procedure, public :: UpdateSDF => ResPart_set_UpdateSDF

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_UpdateSDF(this, SA)

    Updates the Surface Density Function


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Collection of Resolved Particles

    type(eulerian_obj_r), intent(inout) :: SA

procedure, public :: Write => ResPart_set_Write

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_Write(this, iter, time)



    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved particles

    integer, intent(in) :: iter

    Iteration at write

    real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: time

    Time at write

procedure, public :: lagrangian_set_Final => ResPart_set_Final

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_Final(this)

    Finalize the ResPart_set type. This subourtine replaces the inheritted lagrangian_final.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved partilces

procedure, public :: lagrangian_set_Init => ResPart_set_Init

  • private subroutine ResPart_set_Init(this, name, block, parallel)

    Initialize the ResPart_set type. This subourtine replaces the inheritted lagrangian_init.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(ResPart_set), intent(inout) :: this

    Set of resolved partilces

    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name

    Name of instance

    type(block_obj), intent(in), target :: block

    A block object

    type(parallel_obj), intent(in), target :: parallel

    parallel structure from main program