Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
add_markers | settling_sphere_smod | Subroutine | |
add_markers | rebound_smod | Subroutine | |
axis_obj_Final | leapBlock | Subroutine | |
axis_obj_Init | leapBlock | Subroutine | Initialize axis |
bc_set_Add | leapBC | Subroutine | Add a new region to bc_set |
bc_set_BuildMask | leapBC | Subroutine | Build an integer field, where cells=0 denotes interior cells, and cells=1 denotes boundary cells for input variable |
bc_set_CheckBCExists | leapBC | Function | Check whether there is BC for a given variable on a given region |
bc_set_CheckBounds | leapBC | Function | Make sure bounds represent a plane |
bc_set_Expand | leapBC | Subroutine | Resize array to accomodate a new element |
bc_set_Final | leapBC | Subroutine | Finalizes bc_set |
bc_set_GetBCPointer | leapBC | Subroutine | Fetches a pointer to the val array describing the Dirichlet or Neumann BC of a given variable on a given region. |
bc_set_GetBCType | leapBC | Function | |
bc_set_GetExtents | leapBC | Function | Returns the extents (lo and hi bounds) of a region. |
bc_set_GetRegionIndex | leapBC | Function | Returns the index of a region, or -1 if not found. |
bc_set_GetSideDirByNormal | leapBC | Subroutine | |
bc_set_GetSideDirByRegion | leapBC | Subroutine | |
bc_set_Info | leapBC | Subroutine | Print to stdout information on bc_set, for debugging |
bc_set_Init | leapBC | Subroutine | Initializes bc_set |
bc_set_Read | leapBC | Subroutine | Read boundary conditions from file |
bc_set_SetBC | leapBC | Subroutine | Set boundary condition of a given type, for a given variable on a given region. |
bc_set_UpdateBoundary | leapBC | Subroutine | Imposes boundary conditions for a given variable. |
bc_set_UpdateBoundaryDirichlet | leapBC | Subroutine | Update ghostboundaries to enforce Dirichlet BC |
bc_set_UpdateBoundaryNeumann | leapBC | Subroutine | Update ghostboundaries to enforce Neumann BC |
bc_set_UpdateExtents | leapBC | Subroutine | Finds the intersection between block owned by this MPI rank, and the plane defining the region |
bc_set_Write | leapBC | Subroutine | Write bc_set to disk using HDF5. The file structure follows this convention: / (root) !-- Time !-- Iter !-- Region 1 !-- xlo !-- xhi !-- dir !-- side |-- Var 1 |-- Type |-- Values(:,:,:) !-- Var 2 . . !-- Region 2 . . |
block_obj_Final | leapBlock | Subroutine | Finalize the block object |
block_obj_Info | leapBlock | Subroutine | Print to stdout information about this block |
block_obj_Init | leapBlock | Subroutine | Initialize block object |
block_obj_Init2 | leapBlock | Subroutine | [DEPRECATED] Initialize block object |
block_obj_Locate | leapBlock | Function | Return block ID and rank of the block where the point is located using a binary search alogirthm. Note that this function assumes that the point is within the domain, i.e., (pmin <= p <= pmax) and that any treatment for periodicity has been previously applied. |
block_obj_Partition | leapBlock | Subroutine | Partition a parent block into sub-blocks based on a given decomposition Nb(3) for parallel simulations. This will also define the partition axes, and update local bounds/extents, and global bounds/extents. |
block_obj_Read | leapBlock | Subroutine | Read block data using HDF5 |
block_obj_SetConveniencePointers | leapBlock | Subroutine | Associate the convenience pointers |
block_obj_SetPeriodicity | leapBlock | Subroutine | Set block periodicity in each direction |
block_obj_SetupMPITypes | leapBlock | Subroutine | Define MPI derived type for communicating ghostcells |
block_obj_SetupUniformGrid | leapBlock | Subroutine | Initialize a uniform grid on this block |
block_obj_SubDivideBlock | leapBlock | Subroutine | Computes the bounds of the sub-block form the bounds of the parent block. Each sub-block gets about the same number of grid points in each direction. |
block_obj_UpdateExtents | leapBlock | Subroutine | Updates the dimensional extents of the block |
block_obj_UpdateGridGhostCells | leapBlock | Subroutine | Updates the ghostcell values of local grid owned by the current MPI rank. Note that each MPI rank stores only its portion of the grid, thus needs to have proper ghostcell values. |
block_obj_UpdateGridGhostCells2 | leapBlock | Subroutine | [DEPRECATED] Updates the ghostcell values of local grid owned by the current MPI rank. Note that each MPI rank stores only its portion of the grid, thus needs to have proper ghostcell values. Although SetupUniformGrid fills the ghostcells of x/y/z, it does it assuming fixed grid spacing, which may not be the correct if a non-uniform grid is used. |
block_obj_UpdateMidPoints | leapBlock | Subroutine | Update mid points |
block_obj_UpdateSpacing | leapBlock | Subroutine | Update grid spacing arrays |
block_obj_Write | leapBlock | Subroutine | Write block data using HDF5 |
case_obj_final | leapCases | Subroutine | Finalize the solver |
case_obj_init | leapCases | Subroutine | Initialize the solver |
case_obj_setup | cdifs_cases | Subroutine | Calls appropriate case |
case_obj_setup | grans_cases | Subroutine | Calls appropriate case |
cdifs_AdvanceSolutionMomentumRHS1 | cdifs_AdvanceSolution_smod | Function | Compute Momentum operator RHS for velocity component in x1-direction |
cdifs_AdvanceSolutionMomentumRHS2 | cdifs_AdvanceSolution_smod | Function | Compute Momentum operator RHS for velocity component in x2-direction |
cdifs_AdvanceSolutionMomentumRHS3 | cdifs_AdvanceSolution_smod | Function | Compute Momentum operator RHS for velocity component in x3-direction |
cdifs_channel_flow | cdifs_cases | Interface | |
cdifs_channel_flow_bcs | channel_flow_smod | Subroutine | Set boundary conditions |
cdifs_channel_flow_block | channel_flow_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_channel_flow_fields | channel_flow_smod | Subroutine | Set the flow fields |
cdifs_cylinder | cdifs_cases | Interface | |
cdifs_cylinder_bcs | cylinder_smod | Subroutine | Set boundary conditions |
cdifs_cylinder_block | cylinder_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_cylinder_fields | cylinder_smod | Subroutine | Set the flow fields |
cdifs_cylinder_IB | cylinder_smod | Subroutine | Set the immersed boundaries |
cdifs_lamb_oseen | cdifs_cases | Interface | |
cdifs_lamb_oseen_bcs | lamb_oseen_smod | Subroutine | Set boundary conditions |
cdifs_lamb_oseen_block | lamb_oseen_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_lamb_oseen_fields | lamb_oseen_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_lid_driven_cavity | cdifs_cases | Interface | |
cdifs_lid_driven_cavity_bcs | cavity_smod | Subroutine | Set boundary conditions |
cdifs_lid_driven_cavity_block | cavity_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_lid_driven_cavity_fields | cavity_smod | Subroutine | Set the flow fields |
cdifs_obj_AdvanceSolution | cdifs | Interface | |
cdifs_obj_AdvanceSolutionCorrector | cdifs_AdvanceSolution_smod | Subroutine | Perform corrector step: compute pressure at n+1 and divergence-free velocity at n+1. |
cdifs_obj_AdvanceSolutionIB | cdifs_AdvanceSolution_smod | Subroutine | Perform intermediate IB step |
cdifs_obj_AdvanceSolutionPredictor | cdifs_AdvanceSolution_smod | Subroutine | Perform predictor step: compute intermediate velocity. |
cdifs_obj_AdvanceSolutionRP | cdifs_AdvanceSolution_smod | Subroutine | Advance Resolved Particle centroids and markers to n+1 |
cdifs_obj_Final | cdifs | Subroutine | |
cdifs_obj_FlowUpdateMonitor | cdifs_Monitor_smod | Subroutine | |
cdifs_obj_Init | cdifs | Subroutine | Initialize the solver |
cdifs_obj_Monitor | cdifs | Interface | |
cdifs_obj_PrepareSolver | cdifs | Interface | |
cdifs_obj_PrepareSolverBCS | cdifs_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize boundary conditions |
cdifs_obj_PrepareSolverBlock | cdifs_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize and partition grid |
cdifs_obj_PrepareSolverFields | cdifs_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize fields used by this solver and read initial conditions. |
cdifs_obj_PrepareSolverMonitor | cdifs_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize monitors used by this solver. |
cdifs_obj_PrepareSolverOperators | cdifs_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize differential operators on current grid. |
cdifs_obj_PrepareSolverOperatorsDIV | cdifs_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Generate the divergence operator for the velocity field, and adjust at the boundaries. |
cdifs_obj_PrepareSolverOperatorsPGRAD | cdifs_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Generate the gradient operator for the pressure field, and adjust at the boundaries. |
cdifs_obj_PrepareSolverOperatorsPLAP | cdifs_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Generate the pressure Laplacian operator |
cdifs_obj_PrepareSolverOperatorsVLAP | cdifs_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Generate the viscous Laplacian operator and adjust at the boundaries. |
cdifs_obj_PrepareSolverOutput | cdifs_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize the visualization outputs |
cdifs_obj_SetInitialConditions | cdifs | Subroutine | Set initial conditions at n=0 |
cdifs_obj_UpdateCollisions | cdifs_AdvanceSolution_smod | Subroutine | Compute collisions between resolved Particles and Immersed Boundaries |
cdifs_obj_WriteOutputData | cdifs | Interface | |
cdifs_obj_WriteRestartData | cdifs | Interface | |
cdifs_rebound | cdifs_cases | Interface | |
cdifs_rebound_bcs | rebound_smod | Subroutine | Set boundary conditions |
cdifs_rebound_block | rebound_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_rebound_fields | rebound_smod | Subroutine | Set the flow fields |
cdifs_rebound_IB | rebound_smod | Subroutine | Set the immersed boundaries |
cdifs_rebound_ResPart | rebound_smod | Subroutine | Set the resolved particles |
cdifs_settling_sphere | cdifs_cases | Interface | |
cdifs_settling_sphere_bcs | settling_sphere_smod | Subroutine | Set boundary conditions |
cdifs_settling_sphere_block | settling_sphere_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_settling_sphere_fields | settling_sphere_smod | Subroutine | Set the flow fields |
cdifs_settling_sphere_IB | settling_sphere_smod | Subroutine | Set the immersed boundaries |
cdifs_settling_sphere_ResPart | settling_sphere_smod | Subroutine | Set the flow fields |
cdifs_taylor_green | cdifs_cases | Interface | |
cdifs_taylor_green_bcs | taylor_green_smod | Subroutine | Set boundary conditions |
cdifs_taylor_green_block | taylor_green_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_taylor_green_fields | taylor_green_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_vortex_dipole | cdifs_cases | Interface | |
cdifs_vortex_dipole_bcs | vortex_dipole_smod | Subroutine | Set boundary conditions |
cdifs_vortex_dipole_block | vortex_dipole_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_vortex_dipole_fields | vortex_dipole_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_vortex_impingement | cdifs_cases | Interface | |
cdifs_vortex_impingement_bcs | vortex_impingement_smod | Subroutine | Set boundary conditions |
cdifs_vortex_impingement_block | vortex_impingement_smod | Subroutine | Set the block parameters |
cdifs_vortex_impingement_fields | vortex_impingement_smod | Subroutine | Set the flow fields |
cli_obj_get | leapCli | Subroutine | Get command line options |
cross_product | particles_resolved | Function | |
cross_product | grans_AdvanceSolution_smod | Function | |
cross_product | cdifs_AdvanceSolution_smod | Function | Returns the cross product of two vectors |
cudaDeviceGetAttribute | leapCuda | Interface | |
cudaFree | leapCuda | Interface | |
cudaGetDeviceCount | leapCuda | Interface | |
cudaMallocManaged | leapCuda | Interface | |
DEM_col | grans_AdvanceSolution_smod | Function | |
DEM_col | cdifs_AdvanceSolution_smod | Function | Returns the force due to a collision between two particles modeled with the Linearized Spring Dashpot soft-sphere model. |
DEM_PW_col | grans_AdvanceSolution_smod | Function | |
DEM_PW_col | cdifs_AdvanceSolution_smod | Function | Returns the force due to a collision between a particle and a wall modeled with the Linearized Spring Dashpot soft-sphere model. |
device_free | leapCuda | Function | |
device_Get_Attribute | leapCuda | Function | |
device_Get_Count | leapCuda | Function | |
device_info | leapCuda | Subroutine | Get information about GPU |
device_malloc_managed | leapCuda | Function | |
eulerian_obj_AddEulerianIObj | leapEulerian | Function | Addition |
eulerian_obj_AddEulerianRObj | leapEulerian | Function | Addition |
eulerian_obj_AddUpGhostCells | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Update and add-up the ghostcells |
eulerian_obj_AddUpGhostCells_x | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Add up ghostcells in the x direction with non-blocking mpi directives |
eulerian_obj_AddUpGhostCells_y | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Add up ghostcells in the y direction with non-blocking mpi directives |
eulerian_obj_AddUpGhostCells_z | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Add up ghostcells in the z direction with non-blocking mpi directives |
eulerian_obj_allocate | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Allocate an Eulerian object |
eulerian_obj_AssignEulerianObj | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Assignment for Eulerian_obj |
eulerian_obj_AssignInt0D | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Assignment for Eulerian_obj |
eulerian_obj_AssignReal0D | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Assignment for Eulerian_obj |
eulerian_obj_deallocate | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Deallocate an Eulerian object |
eulerian_obj_Final | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Finalize the Eulerian object |
eulerian_obj_Info | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Print info about this structure |
eulerian_obj_Init | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Initialize an Eulerian field |
eulerian_obj_mean | leapEulerian | Function | Compute the mean of an Eulerian_obj |
eulerian_obj_MulInt0D | leapEulerian | Function | Multiplication |
eulerian_obj_MulReal0D | leapEulerian | Function | Multiplication |
eulerian_obj_norm2 | leapEulerian | Function | Compute norm2 of an Eulerian_obj |
eulerian_obj_SubEulerianIObj | leapEulerian | Function | Addition |
eulerian_obj_SubEulerianRObj | leapEulerian | Function | Addition |
eulerian_obj_UpdateGhostCells | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Update the ghostcells |
eulerian_obj_UpdateGhostCells_x | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Update the ghostcells in the x direction with non-blocking mpi directives |
eulerian_obj_UpdateGhostCells_y | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Update the ghostcells in the y direction with non-blocking mpi directives |
eulerian_obj_UpdateGhostCells_z | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Update the ghostcells in the z direction with non-blocking mpi directives |
eulerian_set_Add | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Add a new element to a collection of Eulerian objects |
eulerian_set_Final | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Finalize structure |
eulerian_set_GetIndex | leapEulerian | Function | Returns the index of an Eulerian_obj contained in this%fields given its name. |
eulerian_set_GetReadFileName | leapEulerian | Function | Return the base name of file to write |
eulerian_set_GetWriteFileName | leapEulerian | Function | Return the base name of file to write |
eulerian_set_Info | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Print info about this collection of eulerian objects |
eulerian_set_Init | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Initialize a collection of Eulerian objects |
eulerian_set_Read | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Read Eulerian data |
eulerian_set_ReadAllNGA | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Read all Eulerian objects in file |
eulerian_set_ReadNGA | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Read Eulerian data using MPI binary file tools |
eulerian_set_ReadSingle | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Read one Eulerian object based on name |
eulerian_set_SetOverwrite | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Set file overwritting |
eulerian_set_SetReadFileName | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Set the base name of file to read |
eulerian_set_SetWriteFileName | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Set the base name of file to write |
eulerian_set_Write | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Write Eulerian data |
eulerian_set_WriteSilo | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Write Eulerian data using SILO |
eulerian_set_WriteSingle | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Write a single Eulerian object to file |
eulerian_set_WriteSingleSilo | leapEulerian | Subroutine | Write a single Eulerian objects to file using SILO |
g1_box | leapLagrangian | Function | Filtering kernel with support from -1.0 to 1.0 Box filter (step function) |
g1_cosine | leapLagrangian | Function | Filtering kernel with support from -1.0 to 1.0 Parabolic filter |
g1_cosine2 | leapLagrangian | Function | Filtering kernel with support from -1.0 to 1.0 Parabolic filter |
g1_parabolic | leapLagrangian | Function | Filtering kernel with support from -1.0 to 1.0 Parabolic filter |
g1_roma | leapLagrangian | Function | Filtering kernel with support from -1 to 1 Roma and Peskin's filter |
g1_triangle | leapLagrangian | Function | Filtering kernel with support from -1.0 to 1.0 Triangular filter (linear interpolation) |
g1_triweight | leapLagrangian | Function | Filtering kernel with support from -1.0 to 1.0 Triweight filter |
grans_headon_collision | grans_cases | Interface | |
grans_headon_collision_block | headon_collision_smod | Subroutine | Setup the simulation block |
grans_headon_collision_markers | headon_collision_smod | Subroutine | Seed markers on the resolved particles |
grans_headon_collision_PP | headon_collision_smod | Subroutine | Setup the point particles |
grans_headon_collision_RP | headon_collision_smod | Subroutine | Setup the resolved particles |
grans_homogeneous_cooling | grans_cases | Interface | |
grans_homogeneous_cooling_block | homogeneous_cooling_smod | Subroutine | Setup the simulation block |
grans_homogeneous_cooling_markers | homogeneous_cooling_smod | Subroutine | Seed markers on the resolved particles |
grans_homogeneous_cooling_PP | homogeneous_cooling_smod | Subroutine | Setup the point particles |
grans_homogeneous_cooling_RP | homogeneous_cooling_smod | Subroutine | Setup the resolved particles |
grans_obj_AdvanceSolution | grans | Interface | |
grans_obj_AdvanceSolution_ComputeCollisionForces | grans_AdvanceSolution_smod | Subroutine | Compute collision forces |
grans_obj_AdvanceSolution_ComputeHydrodynamicForces | grans_AdvanceSolution_smod | Subroutine | Compute hydrodynamic and other forces |
grans_obj_AdvanceSolution_StoreOld | grans_AdvanceSolution_smod | Subroutine | Store old values |
grans_obj_Final | grans | Subroutine | Deallocate data |
grans_obj_Init | grans | Subroutine | Initialize the solver |
grans_obj_Monitor | grans | Interface | |
grans_obj_PrepareSolver | grans | Interface | |
grans_obj_PrepareSolver_block | grans_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize and partition grid |
grans_obj_PrepareSolver_collision | grans_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize collision components |
grans_obj_PrepareSolver_fields | grans_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize fields used by this solver and read initial conditions. |
grans_obj_PrepareSolver_IB | grans_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Prepare Immersed Boundary data before run |
grans_obj_PrepareSolver_monitor | grans_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize monitors used by this solver. |
grans_obj_PrepareSolver_operators | grans_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize differential operators on current grid. |
grans_obj_PrepareSolver_output | grans_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Initialize output variables |
grans_obj_PrepareSolver_PP | grans_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Prepare Point Particle data before run |
grans_obj_PrepareSolver_RP | grans_PrepareSolver_smod | Subroutine | Prepare Resolved Particle data before run |
grans_obj_SetInitialConditions | grans | Subroutine | Set initial conditions at n=0 |
grans_obj_WriteOutputData | grans | Interface | |
grans_obj_WriteRestartData | grans | Interface | |
grans_rotating_drum | grans_cases | Interface | |
grans_rotating_drum_block | rotating_drum_smod | Subroutine | Setup the simulation block |
grans_rotating_drum_IB | rotating_drum_smod | Subroutine | Setup the immersed boundary |
grans_rotating_drum_PP | rotating_drum_smod | Subroutine | Setup the point particles |
h5hut_Close | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Close hdf5 file with h5hut |
h5hut_Final | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Finalize structure |
h5hut_Flush | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Flush step data to disk |
h5hut_GetNFields | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Get number of fields in step |
h5hut_GetNPoints | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Get number of data points in step |
h5hut_Init | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Initialize structure |
h5hut_JumpToStep | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Jump to a specific time step |
h5hut_LastTimeStep | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Get information about the last time step |
h5hut_NewTimeStep | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Create a new time step and update attributes |
h5hut_Open | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Open a hdf5 file with h5hut |
h5hut_Read1D | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Read Lagrangian/1D data fom a hdf5 file with h5hut |
h5hut_ReadAttributes0D | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Read scalar attributes |
h5hut_ReadAttributes1D | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Read an array of attributes |
h5hut_ReadScalar3D | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Read Eulerian/3D data from a hdf5 file with h5hut |
h5hut_StepCount | leapIO_h5hut | Function | Return number of time steps |
h5hut_Write1D | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Write Lagrangian/1D data to a hdf5 file with h5hut |
h5hut_WriteAttributes0D | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Write scalar attributes |
h5hut_WriteAttributes1D | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Write an array of attributes |
h5hut_WriteGrid | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Write the grid attributes |
h5hut_WriteScalar3D | leapIO_h5hut | Subroutine | Write Eulerian/3D data to a hdf5 file with h5hut |
hashtbl_obj_final | leapUtils | Subroutine | |
hashtbl_obj_Get | leapUtils | Subroutine | |
hashtbl_obj_HashString | leapUtils | Function | |
hashtbl_obj_init | leapUtils | Subroutine | |
hashtbl_obj_Put | leapUtils | Subroutine | |
hdf5_obj_Close | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Close hdf5 file |
hdf5_obj_CloseGroup | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Close an HDF5 group |
hdf5_obj_CreateGroup | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Create a group (analogous to directory) in an HDF5 file and update hash table |
hdf5_obj_Final | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Finalize the hdf5 object |
hdf5_obj_FixGroupName | leapIO_hdf5 | Function | Function that will append and prepend '/' if missing |
hdf5_obj_GetGroupIndex | leapIO_hdf5 | Function | Returns the index of a group |
hdf5_obj_GetGroupObject | leapIO_hdf5 | Function | Returns the HDF5 object id of the group |
hdf5_obj_Init | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Initialize the hdf5 object |
hdf5_obj_Open | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Open a hdf5 file |
hdf5_obj_OpenGroup | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Open a group (analogous to directory) in an HDF5 file and updates hash table |
hdf5_obj_Read1D | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Read a 1D dataset located under basegroup and given by name |
hdf5_obj_Read3D | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Read a 3D dataset located under basegroup and given by name |
hdf5_obj_ReadAttributes0D | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Read a scalar attribute under a given group |
hdf5_obj_ReadAttributes1D | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Read a 1-D array of attributes under a given group |
hdf5_obj_ReadCoord | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Read coordinates from HDF5 file. Only the root MPI rank does the reading, and then broadcasts to other MPI ranks. |
hdf5_obj_ReadGroupNames | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Read the groups (i.e., directories) under a given base group in an HDF5 file. |
hdf5_obj_Write1D | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Write an array/1D data to a HDF5 file. |
hdf5_obj_Write3D | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Write Eulerian/3D data to a HDF5 file |
hdf5_obj_WriteAttributes0D | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Write a scalar attribute |
hdf5_obj_WriteAttributes1D | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Write an array of attributes |
hdf5_obj_WriteCoord | leapIO_hdf5 | Subroutine | Write coordinates to HDF5 file. Only the root MPI rank does the writing. |
hypre_obj_BuildMatrixIJ | leapHypre | Subroutine | Set the coefficients of the matrix |
hypre_obj_BuildMatrixS | leapHypre | Subroutine | Define the entries of the matrix Ax=b one row at a time Finite difference/Finite volume 2nd order Laplacian: ddu/dxdx = -2 u(i,j,k)/dxdx + u(i-1,j,k)/dxdx + u(i+1,j,k)/dxdx ddu/dydy = -2 u(i,j,k)/dydy + u(i,j-1,k)/dydy + u(i,j+1,k)/dydy ddu/dzdz = -2 u(i,j,k)/dzdz + u(i,j,k-1)/dzdz + u(i,j,k+1)/dzdz |
hypre_obj_Final | leapHypre | Subroutine | Destroy objects/pointers and clear data |
hypre_obj_Init | leapHypre | Subroutine | Initialize the hypre object |
hypre_obj_PrintMatrixS | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup the hypre grid |
hypre_obj_SelectSolver | leapHypre | Subroutine | Select one of the preconfigured solvers and get solver-specific parameters |
hypre_obj_SetRHS | leapHypre | Subroutine | Set the entries of the rhs vector, one element at a time |
hypre_obj_SetRHSIJ | leapHypre | Subroutine | Set the entries of the rhs vector, one element at a time |
hypre_obj_SetRHSS | leapHypre | Subroutine | Set the entries of the rhs vector, one element at a time |
hypre_obj_Setup | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup the hypre objects in preparation for solves Note: Setting up HYPRE is an expensive operation so it's best to do this only once during a simulation as opposed to setting-up and destorying each time-step. |
hypre_obj_SetupGridS | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup the hypre grid |
hypre_obj_SetupMatrixIJ | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup matrix with IJ interface |
hypre_obj_SetupMatrixS | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup and build the matrix |
hypre_obj_SetupPointersIJ | leapHypre | Subroutine | |
hypre_obj_SetupRHSIJ | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup the rhs vector |
hypre_obj_SetupRHSS | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup the rhs vector |
hypre_obj_SetupRowsIJ | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup row indexing used with IJ interface |
hypre_obj_SetupSolIJ | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup the solution vector, and initialize it to zero |
hypre_obj_SetupSolIJver | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup solver with IJ interface |
hypre_obj_SetupSolS | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup the solution vector, and initialize it to zero |
hypre_obj_SetupSolverS | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup the hypre solver |
hypre_obj_SetupStencilS | leapHypre | Subroutine | Setup the discretization stencil Each entry represents the relative offset (in index space) E.g.: a 2D 5-pt stencil would have the following geometry -- Offset { {0,0}, {-1,0}, {1,0}, {0,-1}, {0,1} } E.g.: a 3D 7-pt stencil would have the following geometry -- Offset { {0,0,0}, {-1,0,0}, {1,0,0}, {0,-1,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,0,-1}, {0,0,1} } |
hypre_obj_Solve | leapHypre | Subroutine | Solve the system Ax=b and return the solution |
hypre_obj_SolveIJ | leapHypre | Subroutine | Solve the system Ax=b and return the solution, IJ interface |
hypre_obj_SolveS | leapHypre | Subroutine | Solve the system Ax=b and return the solution, Struct interface |
int_g1_box | leapLagrangian | Function | Integral of filtering kernel from 0 to r Box filter (step function) Here : r=x/l_f (non-dimensional position) |
int_g1_cosine | leapLagrangian | Function | Integral of filtering kernel from 0 to r Cosine filter Here : r=x/l_f (non-dimensional position) |
int_g1_cosine2 | leapLagrangian | Function | Integral of filtering kernel from 0 to r Cosine filter Here : r=x/l_f (non-dimensional position) |
int_g1_parabolic | leapLagrangian | Function | Integral of filtering kernel from 0 to r Parabolic filter Here : r=x/l_f (non-dimensional position) |
int_g1_roma | leapLagrangian | Function | Integral of filtering kernel from 0 to r Roma and Peskin filter Here : r=x/l_f (non-dimensional position) |
int_g1_triangle | leapLagrangian | Function | Integral of filtering kernel from 0 to r Triangular filter (linear interpolation) Here : r=x/l_f (non-dimensional position) |
int_g1_triweight | leapLagrangian | Function | Integral of filtering kernel from 0 to r Triweight filter Here : r=x/l_f (non-dimensional position) |
J0 | vortex_impingement_smod | Function | Bessel function J0(x) |
J0 | vortex_dipole_smod | Function | Bessel function J0(x) |
J1 | vortex_impingement_smod | Function | Bessel function J1(x) |
J1 | vortex_dipole_smod | Function | Bessel function J1(x) |
lagrangian_obj_Extrapolate | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Get a bump function centered on the lagrangian object |
lagrangian_obj_Interpolate | leapLagrangian | Function | Routine to interpolate a field f defined on an Eulerian stencil to the location of a lagrangian object |
lagrangian_obj_Locate | leapLagrangian | Function | Locate a Lagrangian object on an external grid. Returns the location of the cell containing the object. |
lagrangian_set_ApplyPeriodicity | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Apply periodic boundary conditions |
lagrangian_set_Communicate | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Communicate lagrangian objects across MPI_rank |
lagrangian_set_CreateMPIType | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Determines the size of the MPI derived type |
lagrangian_set_Final | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Finalize the structure |
lagrangian_set_FreeNeighborList | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | |
lagrangian_set_GetOwnerRankByBlock | leapLagrangian | Function | Returns the MPI rank that should own this lagrangian object based on which block it belongs to |
lagrangian_set_GetReadFileName | leapLagrangian | Function | Return the base name of file to write |
lagrangian_set_GetWriteFileName | leapLagrangian | Function | Return the base name of file to write |
lagrangian_set_Info | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Prints diagnostics information about the derived type |
lagrangian_set_Init | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Initialize lagrangian objects related IO |
lagrangian_set_Localize | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Localize a Lagrangian object on the grid Returns the location of the closest collocated cell (staggering=0 |
lagrangian_set_Recycle | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Sorting routine: stacks active lagrangian objects at the beginning of the array then resizes |
lagrangian_set_Resize | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Changes the size of an array of Lagrangian objects |
lagrangian_set_SetFilterKernel | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Reset the filter kerrnel Default is Triangle for interpolation and extrapolation |
lagrangian_set_SetFilterSize | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Adjust the size of the filter |
lagrangian_set_SetOverwrite | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Set file overwritting |
lagrangian_set_SetReadFileName | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Set the base name of file to read |
lagrangian_set_SetupCollisionBlock | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Initializes cblock to handle collisions. This is extra block is expected to be coarser than the simulation block. It is used for cheap neighbor searches. |
lagrangian_set_SetWriteFileName | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Set the base name of file to write |
lagrangian_set_UpdateCount | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Updates the total count of Lagrangian objects |
lagrangian_set_UpdateGhostObjects | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Updates ghost objects Copies objects that lie near or cross the block's boundaries |
lagrangian_set_UpdateGhostObjectsDir | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | Update ghost objects in the idir direction NOTE: Ghost objects must have negative IDs |
lagrangian_set_UpdateNeighborList | leapLagrangian | Subroutine | |
leap_create_directory | leapUtils | Subroutine | |
marker_obj_assign | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Assignment |
marker_obj_Info | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Print information about this marker |
marker_set_CoM | immersed_boundaries_markers | Function | Find the center of mass |
marker_set_ComputeSolidVolFrac | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Compute the solid volume fraction on the mesh |
marker_set_Filter | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Compute a filtered quantity on the eulerian grid |
marker_set_GetIBForcing | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Compute the IB forcing |
marker_set_LoadSTL | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Load markers from a binary STL. This is a serial routine. |
marker_set_Prepare | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Prepare marker_set for use with solvers |
marker_set_Read | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Read marker data from file in parallel |
marker_set_SetMPIDataTypeParams | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Set up parameters used when creating the MPI derived type Create the MPI structure |
marker_set_SetObjectType | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Set the sample type used in allocation of polymorphic variables |
marker_set_UpdateNormals | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Updates the Normals field |
marker_set_UpdateSDF | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Updates the Surface Density Function |
marker_set_Write | immersed_boundaries_markers | Subroutine | Write marker data to file in parallel |
monitor_obj_Final | leapMonitor | Subroutine | Finalize the monitor object |
monitor_obj_Formats | leapMonitor | Subroutine | Define how to print numbers Format specifier for an integer Format specifier for a real Format specifier for a logical Format specifier for a full line |
monitor_obj_Init | leapMonitor | Subroutine | Intializes a single monitor |
monitor_obj_Print | leapMonitor | Subroutine | Prints to file or stdout content of the monitor |
monitor_obj_SetVal | leapMonitor | Subroutine | Finalize the monitor object |
monitor_set_Create | leapMonitor | Subroutine | Creates a new monitor |
monitor_set_Expand | leapMonitor | Subroutine | Changes the size of an array of monitors |
monitor_set_Final | leapMonitor | Subroutine | |
monitor_set_GetIndex | leapMonitor | Function | Returns the ID of a monitor identified by name |
monitor_set_Info | leapMonitor | Subroutine | Print a number of diagnostics information |
monitor_set_Init | leapMonitor | Subroutine | Initialize a set of monitors |
monitor_set_Print | leapMonitor | Subroutine | Prints content of monitors |
monitor_set_Set | leapMonitor | Subroutine | Set the label or value of a column of a certain monitor |
ngadata_obj_Close | leapIO_mpi | Subroutine | Close file with MPI |
ngadata_obj_Final | leapIO_mpi | Subroutine | Finalize structure |
ngadata_obj_GetAttributes | leapIO_mpi | Subroutine | Read file attributes |
ngadata_obj_Init | leapIO_mpi | Subroutine | Initialize structure |
ngadata_obj_Open | leapIO_mpi | Subroutine | Open a hdf5 file with ngadata |
ngadata_obj_ReadScalar3D | leapIO_mpi | Subroutine | Read Eulerian/3D data from a hdf5 file with h5hut |
ngadata_obj_SetupMPITypes | leapIO_mpi | Subroutine | Create MPI types needed for IO |
ngadata_obj_SetView3D | leapIO_mpi | Subroutine | Set the file view |
ngapart_Close | nga_smod | Subroutine | Close file with MPI |
ngapart_CreateMPIType | nga_smod | Subroutine | Define MPI Type and size for a NGA particle |
ngapart_Final | nga_smod | Subroutine | Finalize structure |
ngapart_GetAttributes | nga_smod | Subroutine | Read file attributes |
ngapart_Init | nga_smod | Subroutine | Initialize structuree |
ngapart_Open | nga_smod | Subroutine | Open raw NGA part file |
ngapart_Read | nga_smod | Subroutine | Read NGA particles, convert and store them in LEAP particle structure |
op_obj_ApplyLaplacianDC | leapDiffOp | Subroutine | Apply Dirichlet boundary conditions to the RHS of a Laplacian equation |
op_obj_BuildLaplacian | leapDiffOp | Subroutine | Build Laplacian operator using Morinishi's schemes |
op_obj_conv11 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute d(U1 U1)/dx1 |
op_obj_conv12 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute d(U1 U2)/dx1 |
op_obj_conv13 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute d(U1 U1)/dx1 |
op_obj_conv21 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute d(U2 U1)/dx2 |
op_obj_conv22 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute d(U2 U2)/dx2 |
op_obj_conv23 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute d(U2 U1)/dx2 |
op_obj_conv31 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute d(U3 U1)/dx1 |
op_obj_conv32 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute d(U3 U1)/dx1 |
op_obj_conv33 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute d(U3 U1)/dx1 |
op_obj_d1dx1 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the derivative in the x1-direction. Note: If input is face-centered (on x1), result is cell-centered (on x1m). If input is cell-centered (on x1m), result is face-centered (on x1). |
op_obj_d1dx2 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the derivative in the x2-direction. Note: If input is face-centered (on x2), result is cell-centered (on x2m). If input is cell-centered (on x2m), result is face-centered (on x2). |
op_obj_d1dx3 | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the derivative in the x3-direction. Note: If input is face-centered (on x3), result is cell-centered (on x3m). If input is cell-centered (on x3m), result is face-centered (on x3). |
op_obj_div | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the divergence of a vector (in1,in2,in3) This function takes in1,in2,in3 cell-centered (stag=0) and returns the divergence on cell centers (stag=0) |
op_obj_Final | leapDiffOp | Subroutine | Clear data |
op_obj_grad_x | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the derivative in the x-direction (dir=1) |
op_obj_grad_y | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the derivative in the y-direction (dir=2) |
op_obj_grad_z | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the derivative in the z-direction (dir=3) |
op_obj_gradx | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the derivative in the x-direction (dir=1) |
op_obj_grady | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the derivative in the z-direction (dir=2) |
op_obj_gradz | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the derivative in the z-direction (dir=3) |
op_obj_Init | leapDiffOp | Subroutine | |
op_obj_intrp1 | leapDiffOp | Function | Interpolate in the x1-direction. Note: If input is face-centered (on x1), result is cell-centered (on x1m). If input is cell-centered (on x1m), result is face-centered (on x1). |
op_obj_intrp2 | leapDiffOp | Function | Interpolate in the x2-direction. Note: If input is face-centered (on x2), result is cell-centered (on x2m). If input is cell-centered (on x2m), result is face-centered (on x2). |
op_obj_intrp3 | leapDiffOp | Function | Interpolate in the x3-direction. Note: If input is face-centered (on x3), result is cell-centered (on x3m). If input is cell-centered (on x3m), result is face-centered (on x3). |
op_obj_p_div | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the divergence of a vector (in1,in2,in3) This function takes in1,in2,in3 face-centered (stag=1/2/3) and returns the divergence on cell centers (stag=0) |
op_obj_StrainRate | leapDiffOp | Function | Compute the strain rate tensor from the velocity field. Result is on mid points (staggering=0). Tensor is stored as follows: S = 0.5*( grad(u) + grad(u)^T ) ( S(1) S(4) S(6) ) = ( S(4) S(2) S(5) ) ( S(6) S(5) S(3) ) |
parallel_obj_bcast_char | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_bcast_int_0d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_bcast_int_1d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_bcast_int_2d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_bcast_int_3d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_bcast_real_0d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_bcast_real_1d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_bcast_real_2d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_bcast_real_3d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_final | leapParallel | Subroutine | Finalize MPI and the parallel environment |
parallel_obj_init | leapParallel | Subroutine | Initialize the parallel environement |
parallel_obj_max_int_0d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_max_int_1d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_max_real_0d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_max_real_1d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_min_int_0d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_min_int_1d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_min_real_0d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_min_real_1d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_SetMPIFSHints | leapParallel | Subroutine | Set the MPI file system hints |
parallel_obj_stop | leapParallel | Subroutine | Subroutine to gracefully stop the execution with an optional error message. |
parallel_obj_sum_int_0d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_sum_int_1d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_sum_int_2d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_sum_int_3d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_sum_real_0d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_sum_real_1d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_sum_real_2d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_sum_real_3d | leapParallel | Subroutine | |
parallel_obj_time | leapParallel | Function | Returns the elapsed time since an arbitrary origin. Note that different ranks return different WTIMEs |
parallel_obj_topology | leapParallel | Subroutine | Builds a Cartesian topolgy with MPI |
parser_obj_AddEntry | leapParser | Subroutine | Resize entries array to add a new entry |
parser_obj_AssignDefault0D | leapParser | Subroutine | Assing default to value: 0D version |
parser_obj_AssignDefault1D | leapParser | Subroutine | Assing default to value: 1D version |
parser_obj_FetchLabelID | leapParser | Function | Return ID of label in the array of entries Returns 0 if label not found. |
parser_obj_final | leapParser | Subroutine | Finalization routine |
parser_obj_init | leapParser | Subroutine | Initialization the praser |
parser_obj_IsDefined | leapParser | Function | Check whether the field is defined |
parser_obj_ParseFile | leapParser | Subroutine | Read & parse the input file |
parser_obj_ParseLine | leapParser | Subroutine | Parse a line |
parser_obj_print | leapParser | Subroutine | Prints all variables found in the parsed file |
parser_obj_read0D | leapParser | Subroutine | Read value: 0D version |
parser_obj_read1D | leapParser | Subroutine | Read value: 1D version |
parser_obj_ReformatLine | leapParser | Subroutine | Parse a line |
particle_BH_obj_assign | particles_point | Subroutine | Assignment |
particle_obj_assign | particles_point | Subroutine | Assignment |
particle_set_Filter | particles_point | Subroutine | Filter a quantity to the Eulerian grid |
particle_set_Init | particles_point | Subroutine | Alternate initialization to be used when particle type is present |
particle_set_Read | particles_point | Subroutine | Read particle data from file in parallel |
particle_set_ReadNGA | particles_point | Interface | |
particle_set_SetMPIDataTypeParams | particles_point | Subroutine | Set up parameters used when creating the MPI derived type |
particle_set_SetMPIDataTypeParams_BH | particles_point | Subroutine | Set up parameters used when creating the MPI derived type |
particle_set_SetMPIDataTypeParams_default | particles_point | Subroutine | Set up parameters used when creating the MPI derived type |
particle_set_Write | particles_point | Subroutine | Write particle data to file in parallel |
particle_SetObjectType | particles_point | Subroutine | Set the sample type used in allocation of polymorphic variables |
region_obj_Add | leapBC | Subroutine | Adds a new variable to region |
region_obj_Expand | leapBC | Subroutine | Resize array to accomodate a new element |
region_obj_Final | leapBC | Subroutine | |
region_obj_GetBCIndex | leapBC | Function | Returns index of a variable in this region, or -1 if not found. |
region_obj_Init | leapBC | Subroutine | Initializes a region |
ResPart_obj_assign | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Assignment |
ResPart_set_AdvanceCenters | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Advance centers to next timestep |
ResPart_set_AdvanceMarkers | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Advance markers to next timestep |
ResPart_set_CreateMonitor | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Create monitor file for Resolved Particles |
ResPart_set_Filter | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Filter a quantity to the Eulerian grid |
ResPart_set_Final | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Finalize the ResPart_set type. This subourtine replaces the inheritted lagrangian_final. |
ResPart_set_GetHydroForces | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Compute hydrodynamic force on particle |
ResPart_set_GetIBForcing | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Compute the IB forcing |
ResPart_set_GetOwnerRankByRP | particles_resolved | Function | Return MPI rank of the lagrangian centroid owning this marker. |
ResPart_set_GetSurfaceStresses | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Compute hydrodynamic stresses on markers |
ResPart_set_Init | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Initialize the ResPart_set type. This subourtine replaces the inheritted lagrangian_init. |
ResPart_set_Prepare | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Prepare ResPart_set for use with solvers |
ResPart_set_Read | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Read ResPart data from file |
ResPart_set_Regroup | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Regroup markers with their respective centroids on the same MPI block |
ResPart_set_SetFilterSize | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Filter a quantity to the Eulerian grid |
ResPart_set_SetMPIDataTypeParams | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Set up parameters used when creating the MPI derived type |
ResPart_set_SetObjectType | particles_resolved | Subroutine | description |
ResPart_set_SetReadFileName | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Set the base name of file to write |
ResPart_set_SetWriteFileName | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Set the base name of file to write |
ResPart_set_StoreOld | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Store values from previous timestep |
ResPart_set_UpdateLookup | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Update lookup array -- The lookup array returns the local (MPI rank) index of a centroid when given the global ID of that centroid |
ResPart_set_UpdateMonitor | particles_resolved | Subroutine | |
ResPart_set_UpdateNormals | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Updates the Normals field |
ResPart_set_UpdateSDF | particles_resolved | Subroutine | Updates the Surface Density Function |
ResPart_set_Write | particles_resolved | Subroutine | description |
silo_CreateGroups | leapIO_silo | Subroutine | Set up silo groups for poor man's IO. Split MPI ranks into groups of size nproc_node. Each group will write squentially to its own file. |
silo_Final | leapIO_silo | Subroutine | Finalize structure |
silo_Init | leapIO_silo | Subroutine | Initialize structure |
silo_NewTimeStep | leapIO_silo | Subroutine | Create a new Silo virtual data base (VDB) for this timestep |
silo_SetupGroupFiles | leapIO_silo | Subroutine | Create silo files and their internal structure |
silo_WriteGrid | leapIO_silo | Subroutine | Write the grid attributes |
silo_WriteScalar3D | leapIO_silo | Subroutine | Write Eulerian/3D data to a hdf5 file with silo |
sllist_obj_Free | leapUtils | Subroutine | |
sllist_obj_Get | leapUtils | Subroutine | |
sllist_obj_Put | leapUtils | Subroutine | |
solid_set_Communicate | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Communicate markers contained in all solid_obj |
solid_set_Filter | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Filter a quantity to the Eulerian grid |
solid_set_Final | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Finalize |
solid_set_Init | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Initialize a collection of solid_obj |
solid_set_Localize | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Localize markers on the gril for all solid_obj |
solid_set_Read | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Read all solid_obj |
solid_set_SetFilterKernel | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Select interp/extrap kernels |
solid_set_SetFilterSize | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Change filter size to desired value |
solid_set_SetOverwrite | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Set file overwritting |
solid_set_SetReadFileName | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Set the names of files to read |
solid_set_SetWriteFileName | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Set the names of files to write |
solid_set_Write | immersed_boundaries_solids | Subroutine | Write all solid_obj |
timer_obj_Done | leapTimer | Function | Determines whether simulation is over |
timer_obj_EndRun | leapTimer | Subroutine | Change run status to finished |
timer_obj_Final | leapTimer | Subroutine | Finalize |
timer_obj_Init | leapTimer | Subroutine | Initialize the timer |
timer_obj_StepForward | leapTimer | Subroutine | Move timer from n to n+1 |
timer_obj_TimeToWriteOutputData | leapTimer | Function | Determine whether it is time to write visualization files |
timer_obj_TimeToWriteRestartData | leapTimer | Function | Determine whether it is time to write restart files |