Specified a boundary condition for a variable The BC type can be among the predefined types (BC_WALL, BC_INFLOW, etc). Val(:,:,:) stores the imposed values for BC_DIRICHLET, or the gradient in the normal for direction for BC_NEUMANN. Be mindful of staggering: E.g. if the variable is cell-centered (e.g. P) and the BC is on BC_LEFT in the 1-DIR, then val(i,j,k) is on x(i),ym(j),zm(k). For a face-centered variable like V (on xm(i),y(j), zm(k)) if the BC is on BC_LEFT in the 1-DIR, then val(i,j,k) is on x(i),y(j),zm(k).
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
character(len=str8), | public | :: | name |
Name of variable |
integer, | public | :: | type | = | BC_UNDEFINED |
Type of BC |
real(kind=wp), | public, | pointer | :: | val(:,:,:) |
Values on the parent region |