
Welcome to the Kasbaoui Research Group at Arizona State University. Our research aims at providing cutting-edge science that improves engineering systems relying on multiphase flows, and particle-laden flows specifically. We do this by: (1) formulating original theories and analytical methods that improve our understanding of the processes at play, and (2) developing new numerical tools that enable discoveries in massively parallel simulations.

The group is led by Prof. Mohamed Houssem Kasbaoui in the School for Engineering of Matter and Transport. Prof. Kasbaoui (cass-bah-wee) is an Assistant Professor in mechanical and aerospace engineering. For more details on current and past work, refer to his curriculum vitae.

Research Opportunities :

  • Oustanding Undergraduate students interested in research experience in fluid mechanics should email Prof. Kasbaoui.
  • Several Master's and PhD projects are available. Desired coursework and skills include: Intermediate/Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Applied mathematics (Linear Algebra/ODEs/PDEs), C/Fortran coding experience, UNIX, and parallel programming (MPI, OpenMP). You need to have a passion for programming and a strong drive for self-directed work to be successful in this research group.

Open-Source Software


LEAP is a state-of-the-art, highly scalable, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code developed by Prof. Mohamed Houssem Kasbaoui at Arizona State University. LEAP is designed to deliver robust and efficient algorithms for CFD applications involving laminar and turbulent single-phase/multiphase flows. The code is built bottom-up to leverage MPI parallelization and modern FORTRAN features (Object Oriented Programing, data polymorphism and code-reusability).

Research Projects

Understanding the trapping of microplastic particles in riverbeds with synergistic pore resolving simulations and continuum modeling

Funding: National Science Foundation, EAR - Hydrological Sciences award #2409164 (2024 – 2027).

Theoretical and numerical investigation of particle-vortex interaction in semi-dilute dusty flows

Funding: National Science Foundation, CBET - Particulate & Multiphase Flows award #2148710 (2022 – 2025).

Elucidating the impact of finite-size and point particles on the near-wall coherent structures using a high-fidelity computational strategy

Funding: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund award #62195-DNI9 (2021 – 2023).

Bridging the gap in multiphase flow simulations

Funding: National Science Foundation, CBET - Fluid Dynamics award #2028617 (2020 – 2023) & EEC - GOALI award #2216969.
